Friday, July 27


If you permit this world to own your heart, like the ocean that owns a boat, you’ll sink down to the depths of the sea. You will touch the ocean floor. You’ll one day realize that you were at your lowest point, trapped by your sins and the love of this life. You will feel broken, surrounded by darkness. That’s the amazing thing about the floor of the ocean. No light reaches it. You will ask yourself, what was the purpose of my life: owning assets ‘for this world and people’, & now dying?
Once you realize it, you will come to know that this dark place is not the end yet. Don’t you remember the signs of God that the darkness of night precedes the dawn?
The bottom-line is that as long as your heart beats, this is not the death. You can still change and introspect on ‘’your purpose in this world’’. Once you understood your real purpose of life, you will definitely ponder on hereafter- the life after death and you will begin to earn the bounties for your hereafter where you have to stay ever.
Sometimes, the ocean floor is only a stop on the journey. It is here where you have to take choices- either you can stay there at the bottom, until you drown  Or you can gather pearls and rise back up—stronger from the swim and richer from the jewels.

{part of above text extracted from Yasmin Mogared's Quote}

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