Monday, April 30

Two important Manners(Adaab) for a Muslim

There are two forms of adaab (manners) for a Muslim:

(1) Adaab towards Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) where one does not commit shirk or bid'ah.

(2) Adaab towards His creation where one treats them with utmost humility whilst having taqwah towards Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala).

The two go hand in hand for believers of understanding, but what I notice amongst a large group of Muslims today that somehow affects the ummah is that how one may either adopt the first form of adaab or the second--never both. The first group of Muslims, mashaAllah, follow the correct Tawheed, avoid bid'ah and have the understanding of Islam but they might not necessarily have the best adaab towards people in terms of implementation of Islam holistically-- there are a general bluntness and know-it-all attitude that contradicts the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ regardless of their knowledge of who he was and what he was like in essence. The second group of Muslims, mashaAllah, have great adaab towards the people thus shaping them to be people of character like the essence of what Rasool ﷺ was but some of what they do in terms of Ibadah in context of Tawheed and bid'ah may be contradictory to the way the Rasool ﷺ worshipped Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala). This contradiction causes confusion and deviation amongst the ummah. The point being is one either worship the way the Rasool ﷺ worshipped Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) in acts of ibadaah but acting contradictory to his essence or one embodies the Rasool ﷺ in terms of conduct in his essence but without worshipping the way he did. This brings forth to a lot of problems in the ummah and does not bring forth well-rounded and sound believers. It also creates a lot of confusion not only for those that are not Muslims but also Muslims themselves. One must realize that if one were to attain good adaab with Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) in its *pure* essence then they would then automatically have the correct adaab with His creation because being kind and humble with taqwah in itself is a form of worship towards Allah (Subhanahu WaTa'ala). One must also understand that the reason why they try to have adaab with people is that of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) therefore it doesn't make sense not to first have the correct form of adaab with Him in terms of correct ibadaah. By internalizing the two one would automatically follow our blessed prophet both in worship and in character--this was the formula of the influential Muslims of the past. Both the understanding and implementation of this would make a huge difference in the ummah & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) knows best.May Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) guide us to be those of understanding that worship Him with the best of manners like our blessed prophet ﷺ while treating His creation in the best of manners by abiding by our blessed prophet's ﷺ conduct in essence.


[Key with Solutions] JKSSB Teacher Science / Math Question paper of 21st April, 2018 Set No. A

Section 1- Verbal Ability- 15 Questions

1) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate proposition
Mohan killed the dog_______ a stick.
A) By
B) With
C) From
D) Along
Hint: like the American saying ‘poking mud with a stick

2) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense structure.
The train________ arrived before 6 am tomorrow.
A) Had
B) Will have
C) Have
D) Has
Hint:  The future perfect tense is used for actions that will be completed at some other point in the future e.g The parade will have ended by the time Chester gets out of bed.

3) Fill In the blanks with appropriate articles:
It rained _____ whole night
A) A
B) The
C) An
D) Any

4) Identify the synonym of the word 'Casual'?
A) Punish
B) Occasional
C) Regular
D) Mischance
Hint: E.g Casual Leave

5) Identify the antonym of the word ’Cavil'?
A) Complain
B) Object
C) Appreciate
D) Deride
Hint: Cavil means an unnecessary objection

6) Identify the antonym of the word 'Ail'
A) Comfort
B) Afflict
C) Distress
D) Pain
Hint: Ail means pain

7) Choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated.
A) The teacher asked Manish do you think that is a proper answer.
B) The teacher asked Manish, do you think that is a proper answer?
C) The teacher asked Manish, "Do you think that is a proper answer?"
D) The teacher asked Manish do you think that is a proper answer?

8) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate article:
I saw _____ inkpot lying in _____ room.
A) A, an
B) An, The
C) The, an
D) An, an

Directions for Questions (9 to 13)
Read the passage and answer the Questions that follow on the basis of the
information provided in the passage.

There is growing evidence that urbanization has a sharp impact on climate, causing changes
that can wreak havoc on precipitation patterns that supply the precious resource of water.
The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising from cities both delay and stimulate the fall
precipitation, depriving some areas of rain while drenching others. Cities are on an average one to ten degrees warmer than surrounding underdeveloped areas. Cities also produce large amounts of pollutants called aerosols, gaseous suspensions of dust particles or byproducts from the burning of fossil fuels. Both heat and aerosols change multiple surfaces on which the moisture in clouds can condense as tiny droplets. This can prevent delay the formation of larger raindrops that fall more easily from the sky, or it can cause rain to fall in another location.
In California, pollution blows eastward and causes a precipitation shortage of around one trillion gallons a year across the Sierra Nevada mountain range. By contrast, in very humid cities, such as Houston, heat and pollutants seem to invigorate summer storm activity by allowing clouds to build higher and fuller before releasing torrential rains.

9) The phrase wreak havoc in the passage means
A) disrupt
B) strengthen
C) separate
D) Disjoin

10) What changes has urbanization brought in cities?
A) Cities more greener than before
B) Cities have clean air
C) Cities not much impacted
D) Cities warmer by 1-10 Degree

11) The word torrential is closest in meaning to
A) unexpected
B) heavy
C) warm
D) infrequent

12) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Cities are largely free from pollutants
B) Undeveloped areas face a steady rise in Temperature
C) Heat and pollution delays fall of precipitation
D) Around two trillion gallons of precipitation shortage is caused by heat and pollution

13) Choose the most suitable title for the passage
A) Urbanization and Climate Impact
B) Heat and Torrential rain
C) Precipitation crises
D) Exploitation of fossil fuels

14) Fill in the blank with the correct idiom or phrase
Rohan had to change his plan of going out _______ because of sudden rain.
A) at a stretch
B) at an arm's length
C) at the eleventh hour
D) at the mercy

15) Choose the answer which will CORRECTLY fill the blank/s
Human being always ________ comfort in their living.
A) Love
B) Loves
C) Loving
D) is Living

Section-2 (Analytical Ability)

16) A man walked 8 Km to the south then he turns to his right and walks 13 k
he moves 11 km to his right. Finally, he turns to the right and moves 23 km. W
direction is he now from his initial point?
A) East
B) North
C) South-west
D) North East

17) What is the next term in the series?
8,9, 8, 13, 16, 22, 48, 38 ?
A) 192
B) 53
C) 58
D) 98
Solution: the new series of  alternate numbers i. e 8,8,16,48 of the above series i.e 8,9, 8, 13, 16, 22, 48, 38 can be created by 8x1=8, 8x2=16, 16x2=48, 48x2=192

18) In a certain language "WE HAD FUN “is coded as "HEN LAI TEN. JOY IS FU
coded as "DEN LEL JEN"/ "WE WILL COME" is coded as "TEN MEN BAI"/ What
code word for "HAD"?

19) Find the time required to travel 391m at the speed of 17milli seconds/mm
A) 19 sec
B) 21 sec
C) 23 sec
D) 25 sec
Hint: Time= Distance/Speed 

20) A man travels from point A to point B which is at a higher elevation by boat
returns back in 27 hours. If the speed of the boat in still water is 15m/sec an
of the current is 34 km/hr, the distance between A and B is
A) 275 Km
B) 315 KM
C) 325 KM
D) 440 Km
Hint: D1=D2 and speed of boat is 54 km/h

21) Anil walks 12km to the east then he turns to his right and walks 22 km ag
moves 15 km to his right then he turns right and moves 40 km, next he moves
to the right next he moves 64 km to his right. Finally, he turns to the right and
30 km. How far is he from the starting point?
A) 46 Km
B) 59 Km
C) 63 Km
D) 72 Km

22) Meena walked 26.6 m to the south She turns to her right and walks 19.5m
she moves 23.4 m to her left Next, she moves 8.5 m to her left. How far is she
from her starting point?
A) 45.20 m
B) 51.19 m
C) 72.45 m
D) 32.75 m

23) Keerthi Is the daughter of Akash who has the son of Ramesh. Akash is the brother
of Sudeep whose wife is Laxmi How Is Laxmi related to Keerthi?
A) Mother
B) Sister
C) Grandmother
D) Aunt

24) Which is the next term in the series?
6561, 2187, 729, 243, ?
A) 63
B) 81
C) 124
D) 127
(hint: The next term comes by dividing the previous term by 3)

25) In each of the following questions, there is a certain relationship between the two
given on the left side of. One word is given on the right side of other word is to be found
from the given alternatives which have the same relationship with this word as the one that exists
between the pair of words given on the left side of::
Choose the correct alternative

Circle : Cylinder:: Rectangle:?
A) Cuboid
B) Cone
C) Sphere
D) Hemisphere
Hint: 2D vs 3D

26) Which is the next term in the series?
53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83?
A) 93
B) 89
C) 101
D) 97
(Hint: It is prime number series)

27) Which is the next term in the series?
37, 43, 53, 61, 71, 79, 89 ?
A) 101
B) 109
C) 113
D) 97
(Hint: Prime number skipping)

28) 2 persons are running around a circular track of 391 m length starting
at the same time from the same point at a speed of 17 m/s and 23 m/s respective
When they would meet for the last time at the starting point if they were move
in opposite direction?
A) 231 sec
B) 391 sec
C) 431 sec
D) 170 sec
Hint: (time taken by P1 is 23 sec and P2 17 sec for a complete round in both cases separately. Therefore L.C.M. of time for p1 and p2 is 23x17)

29) Pointing to a boy Rohan said "His sister is the daughter of my mother's on
daughter-in-law. How is the boy relate to Rohan?
A) Son
B) Father
C) Nephew
D) Cousin

30) Complete the series
aaz, bct, den, ggh ?
A) jik
B) kib
C) lul
D) muk

Section-3 (Computer)

31) JAVA is a
A) High-level language
B) Medium level language
C) Low-level language
D) Assembly level language

32) Which of the following types of memory is costly in terms of cost per bit?
A) Cache
C) Registers
D) Hard Disk
Hint: The cost per bit is just the price you have to pay for the specific amount of memory.

33) The process of using an algorithm to transform information to make it
unreadable for unauthorized users is
A) Encryption
B) Decryption
C) Network security
D) Information Hiding
Hint: Whatsapp encrypts messages

34) Which of the following is TRUE w.r.t Dynamic memories (DRAM) and Static
memories (SRAM)?
A) SRAM is more inexpensive than DRAM.
B) DRAM requires the data to be refreshed every 15ms. but Static RAM does not require
periodic refreshing
C) SRAM chips are physically smaller and store a large number of bits (High density).
D) DRAM does not require the data to be refreshed but SRAM refreshes for every 15m
Hint: SRAM, or static RAM, offers better performance than DRAM because DRAM needs to be refreshed periodically when in use, while SRAM does not. However, SRAM is more expensive and less dense than DRAM, so SRAM sizes are orders of magnitude lower than DRAM.

35) If an Operating system is capable of running a program on more than one
processor at a time, what type of feature it has?
A) Multitasking
B) Multiuser
C) Parallel processing
Hint: Multitasking refers to the ability of an OS to spawn multiple processes, as isolated entities e.g two or more processors. Parallel processing refers usually to multithreading.

36) A Printed Circuit Board that acts as a foundation of a computer and create
a communication channel between all the devices attached to it and located on
backside or at the bottom of the computer chassis is
A) Sound Board
B) Motherboard
C) Internet Board
D) Daughter Board

37) By default, what is the minimum and maximum font size visible in the font
bar of MS Word 2016?
A) 8 and 72
B) 12 and 72
C) 6 and 68
D) 8 and 64

38) In MS Word 2007, to get the symbol Dialog box which of the following me
should be chosen
A) Insert
B) Format
C) Tool
D) Table

39) What is A2DP?
A) A Bluetooth profile for Video Streaming
B) A Bluetooth Profile for Audio Streaming
C) A Bluetooth Profile for Security
D) A Bluetooth Profile for Masking

40) In MS Word 2016, Which of the following Shortcut keys are used to create
A) Alt+Ctrl+C
C) Ctrl+C
D) Ctrl+Shift+C

41) "Romancing with Life" is an autobiography of
A) Arundhati Roy
B) Dev Anand
C) Chetan Bhagat
D) Shiv Khera

42) The highest civilian honour, given for exceptional service towards advance
of Art. Literature and Science, and In recognition of Public Service of the high
order Is known as:
A) Padma Shri
B) Padma Bhushan
C) Padma Vibhushan
D) Bharat Ratna

43) Who among the following received the Kyoto Prize 2017 in Japan, for his
"Development of Process-based Models of Photosynthesis and Their Contribution in
the Science of Global Environmental Changes”?
A) Graham Farquhar
B) Richard Taruskin
C) Takashi Mimura
D) Edward Witten

44) Which of the following Is one of the languages spoken In Meghalaya state
A) Khasi
B) Mizo
C) Konkani
D) Sindhi

Section-4 (General Awareness and Current Affairs)

(memory based)

45) With whom India has signed a third protocol on December 2016 to amend
(Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement) for the avoidance of double taxation
A) Singapore
B) Malaysia
C) United Arab Emirates
D) Oman

46) The authorized biography of Mahavir Singh Phogat by Saurabh Duggal is
A) Akhada
B) Dangal
C) Kushti
D) Pehelwan

47) Which of the following countries has announced the plan to adopt Chinese
as legal tender?
A) Ethiopia
B) Kenya
C) Bhutan
D) Zimbabwe

48) The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has named former Indian
rounder Ravi Shastri as the new chief coach of the Indian cricket team till
A) ICC World Cup 2018
B) ICC World Cup 2019
C) ICC World Cup 2020
D) ICC World Cup 2021

49) Who was the first Indian to win Wimbledon Junior Singles Title?
A) Leander Adrian Paes
B) Vijay Amritraj
C) Ramanathan Krishnan
D) Somdev Devvarman

50) In the first Commonwealth Games held in Hamilton Canada. 11 countries
400 athletes to take part in six sports and 59 events It was held in the year
A) 1928
B) 1930
C) 1938
D) 1940

51) India's first Biogas bottling plant towards commercialization to demonstrate
integrated technology is set up in
A) Gulbarga, Karnataka
B) Salem, Tamil Nadu
C) Nashik, Maharashtra
D) Guntur, Andhra Pradesh

52) In India, the First ever action plan" The Ganga Action Plan" was taken up
A) World Health Organisation, UN
B) Ministry of Environment & Forest. GOI
C) Isha Foundation. India
D) World Wildlife Fund, Switzerland

53) What is the name of the renowned farm scientist who is called as the father
Green Revolution in India?
A) Sunderlal Bahuguna
B) M. C. Mehta
C) Baba Amte
D) M.S. Swaminathan

Section-5 (Environmental Science)

54) Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of sediments. An example of
Sedimentary rock is
A) Basalt
B) Diorite
C) Marble
D) Sandstone

55) Cambrian explosion took place approximately
A) 530 million years ago
B) 730 million years ago
C) 930 million years ago
D) 130 million years ago

56) Where is the Rawatbhata Atomic Centre of India located?
A) Karnataka
B) Maharashtra
C) Gujarat
D) Rajasthan

57) Bedni Bugyal, Dayara Bugyal, and Panwal Bugyal are the fascinating mead
located in the state of
A) Uttarakhand
B) Karnataka
C) Rajasthan
D) Kerala

58) In India. Divecha Centre for Climate Change is located in
A) Indian Institute of Science. Bengaluru
B) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Mumbai
C) Jawaharlal Nehru University. New Delhi
D) North Eastern Hill University. Shillong

59) The Rio declaration. 1992 sets out 27 principles to guide the international
community in achieving
A) Sustainable development
B) Educational development
C) Financial development
D) Child development

60) Why too much of Carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere is bad?
A) Carbon-dioxide releases heat energy too fast
B) Carbon dioxide entraps atmospheric heat
C) Carbon dioxide radiates heat back to the stratosphere
D) Carbon dioxide breaks chlorine in upper reaches of the atmosphere

Section-6 (Physics)

61) The elastic energy stored per unit volume of the material. What
its Young's modulus Y is subjected to stress S is
A) SY/4
B) SY/2
C) S2/2Y
D) 2S/Y
Solution link:

62) The dimensional formula for modulus of rigidity Is
A) [M
B) [M2L-2T2]
C) [M-1L-1T3]
D) [M1L-1T-2]
Hint: It has the dimensional formula of pressure: force pr unit area.

63) What is the angle through which cyclist should bend to avoid skidding during a
A) cos-1(v2/rg)
B) tan-1(v2/rg)
C) tan-1(v2/2rg)
D) cos-1(v2/rg)
Explanation @

64) The wheel of toy car rotates about an axis and slows down from 200 rps to 100 rps in 2 seconds
What is its angular retardation?
A.      100 π.radians-2
B.      200 rads-2
C)   400 radians-2
D)    200 π2.radians2
Hint: Angular retardation= 2 π(V2-V1)/time

65) Susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance Is
A) zero
B) small but positive
C) small but negative
D) very large

66) An ideal heat engine operates between two temperatures 600 K and 900 K
is the efficiency of the engine approximately?
A) 50%
B) 80%
C) 100%
D) 33%
Hint: E= 1-(Tc/Th)x100

67) What is the frequency of beat? If the pulse rate of a man is 120 beats In one
A) 120 Hz
B) 2 Hz
C) 12 Hz
D) 60 Hz
Hint: Frequency= no. of beats per second

68) What will be the velocity after 6 seconds, If a 0.2 kg object at rest is subject to
a force of (0.3i- 0.4j)N?
A) (10i-12j)
B) (9i-12j)
C) (12i-9j)
D) (12i-10j)

69) 1 Fermi is equal to
A) 10 cm
B) 10 m-15
C) 10 m
D) 10 m
Hint: One femtometer (and one Fermi) is equal to one quadrillionth of a meter i.e 10­­-15m

70) A radioactive element has a half-life period of 800 years After 2400 years
amount of the radioactive element will remain?
A) 1/8
B) 1/9
C) 1/2
D) 0
Hint: To answer this question, there is no need to solve for the radioactive decay equation. If 2400 ÷ 800 = 3, then the material will go through 3 half-lives and the amount will be 1/8th

71) What Is the magnitude of e.m.f Induced in a 200 turns coil with cross-sec
area of 0.16 M, if the magnetic field through the coil changes from 0.10 Wbm
0.50 Wbm at a uniform rate over a period of 0.02 seconds?
A) 540 V
B) 0 V
C) 640 V
D) 320 V

72) What is the ratio of ionization energy of Bohr's hydrogen atom and hydrogen
lithium atom?
A) 1/6
B) 1/9
C) 1/8
D) 1/5
Hint: Ionization energy = 13.6(z2/n2), for Lithium Z and n, is 3 and for hydrogen 1.

Section-7 (Chemistry)

73) What will be the de Broglie wavelength (measured in the unit of m) for an object
of mass 2 kg moving at 50 m/s?
A) 2.6 × 10
B) 2.6 × 10
C) 6.6 × 10
D) 6.6 x 10-36m

Hint: λ = h/mv , h= 6.626 x 10-34

74) For a cubic box with Length 'L' and energy 14 h / 8 mL , the degeneracy
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 9

75) Among interhalogens. the compound which readily forms dimers is?
B) BrF
Solution: The dimer structure, I2Cl6, is more stable than Icl3 molecule. The molecule I2Cl6 (s) has a net dipole of 0, which means that the electronegative difference of the whole molecule is extremely low.

76) Among the following compounds, the CORRECT order of the boiling point in descending
order is
A) HF > H3O » H3N
B) HF >H3N > H2O
C) H20 > H3N > HF
D) H2O > HF > H3N
Solution: Each water molecule can potentially form “four” hydrogen bonds with surrounding water molecules. Hydrogen fluoride and ammonia could form only “two” hydrogen bond per molecule (HF 10kcal/mol, NH­­­­3  3kcal/mol)

77) Which among the following Is the chemical composition of slag formed during
smelting process in the extraction of iron?
A) CaO + Fe2O3
B) CuFeS2
C) CaSiO­­­­­3
D) Cu2S + FeO
Hint: The primary components of iron and steel slag are limestone (CaO) and silica (SiO2). So the reaction is
CaO+SiO2 ==>   CaSiO3

78) In Reimer–Tiemann reaction, the reaction of phenol with CHCl
3  in the presence of
sodium hydroxide produces
A) 2 Methoxyphenol
B) 2-Carboxyphenyl
C) 2-Formylphenol
D) 2-Dichloro Methyl Phenol
Hint: The reaction produces Salicylaldehyde, 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde(IUPAC) so the closest answer is (C)

79) The reaction of sodium phenoxide with CO2 under pressure at a temperature of -3
produces an intermediate compound
A) Sodium acetate
B) Sodium benzoate
C) Sodium bicarbonate
D) Sodium salicylate

80) Identify the species, with the highest bond order among the following
A) O
B) [O2]+
C) [0
D) [0
Hint: Bond order increases from anion to cation

81) Which of the following salts has the highest melting point?
A) LiF
B) LiCl
C) LiBr
D) Li
Hint: LiF has more covalent bond character

82) The Orbital having one radial node and two angular nodes is
A) 2p
B) 3p
C) 3d
D) 4d

83) Identify the metals which can be extracted by the Cyanide process?
A) Silver
B) Mercury
C) Copper
D) Zinc

84) For boron trihalides, the correct order of acidity is
A) BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3
B) BCl3 > BBr3 > BF3
C) BBr3 > BF3 > BCl3
D) BBr3 > BCl3> BF3

Section-8 (Botany)

85) Yoked Keys are a type of dichotomous keys used in the taxonomy which of the
following explains yoked keys?
A) It indents the choices of the couplet an equal distance from the left margin
B) It indents the choices of the couplet of equal distance from the right margin
C) It indents the choices of the couplet of equal distance from any margin
D) it indents the choices of the couplet an equal distance from the middle

86) What are the sexual organs through which moss reproduce sexuality know
A) Antheridia and archegonia
B) Conidia and basidia
C) Hormogonia and bulbils
D) Sporogony and plasmogamy

87) Which of the following is a modified stem that performs the function of
A) Tendrils
B) Thorns
C) Cladodes
D) Bulbils
Hint: for example asparagus, butcher's broom, cactus

88) Which of the following is the Scientific name of ladies finger?
A) Raphanus sativus
B) Solanum melongena
C) Lycopersicon esculentum
D) Abelmoschus esculentus

89) Match the common names to the scientific names of fruits used commonly
human consumption

Common Name
Scientific Name
i) Watermelon

a) Pyrus malus

ii) Apple
b) Musa paradisiaca
iii) Banana
c) Citrullus vulgaris

A) (i)-a, (ii)-c, (iii)-b
B) (i)-b, (ii)-a, (iii)-c
C) (i)-c, (ii)-a, (iii)-b
D) (i)-c, (ii)-b, (iii)-a

90) Sero-taxonomy Is a system of classification of plants Which BEST describes
Sero-taxonomy from among the following?
A) Classification of very similar plants by means of differences In The proteins they con
B) Classification of very similar plants by means of differences in the carbohydrates.
C) Classification of dissimilar plants by means of transpiration modes they have
D) Classification of dissimilar plants by means of differences in floral structures

91) Malus Domestica Is the scientific name of apple.It is a small deciduous tree which
to the family
A) Rosaceae
B) Ranunculaceae
C) Papaveraceae
D) Solanaceae
Hint: Based on flower taxonomy

92) Which among the following, families belong to gymnosperms?
A) Acanthaceae
B) Acoraceae
C) Comaceae
D) Cycadophyta
Hint: E.g Cycas indica

93) Classical Taxonomy is the discipline of detecting describing, and classifying new sp
Which of the following is also known as Classical Taxonomy?
A) Beta taxonomy
B) Encyclopedic taxonomy
C) Alpha taxonomy
D) Chemotaxonomy

94) Take a look at (I), (il) and (ill) Which of the following statements are CORRECT
(I) Hornworts have irregular lobed or branching bodies, known a thali
(ii) Liverworts have thin atoms around when simple leaves branch out
(III) Mosses, hornworts, and liverworts are often collectively referred to as pteridophyte
A) (i)-TRUE. (ii) TRUE, (iii) TRUE
B) (i)-TRUE (ii) FALSE. (iii) TRUE
C) (i)-TRUE (ii) FALSE, (iii) FALSE
D) (i) FALSE, (ii) TRUE, (iii) FALSE

95) Which of the following is TRUE about mosses and liverworts?
A) Mosses have brown, unicellular rhizoids while Liverworts have hyaline one-celled rh
B) Mosses have leaves in three rows while liverworts have leaves in spirals
C) Mosses and liverworts do not have water-conducting cells
D) Mosses have no midvein in their leaves while liverworts have leaves with mid vein present

96) Which of the following is a secondary metabolite in plants?
A) Flavonoids
B) Ethanol
C) Hyaluronic acid
D) Amino acids

97) The term 'Limnology' is derived from the Greek word "limne" It Is the
A) Study of inland waters
B) Examination of marine organisms
C) Study of coral reef
D) Examination of airborne organisms
Hint: from Greek, limne, "lake" and logos, "knowledge

Section-9 (Zoology)

98) What does taxonomy deal with?
A) Describing, identifying, classifying and naming living beings.
B) Describing, identifying, classifying and naming rocks.
C) Describing, identifying, classifying and naming minerals.
D) Describing, identifying, classifying and naming organic compounds.

99) Which among the following sciences apply the scientific method of maintaining and restoring global biodiversity and ecosystem?
A) Conservation science
B) Global environment science
C) Bio science
D) Environmental sconce

100) Which of the following is a biorepository or a collection of biological specimens
containing genetic material gathered from living organisms?
A) Gene bank
B) Gene pool
C) Gene flow
D) Gene frequency

101) Which fungus is responsible for the extinction of Darwin frog
(Rhinoderma darwinii) according to an International study published in (2017
journal Proceedings of the Royal Society of London?
A) Erioderma pedicellatum
B) Zygomycota
C) Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
D) microsporidia

102) Which among the following can be defined as the state of unresponsiveness to a
specific antigen or group of antigens to which a person is normally responsive
A) Adaptive immunity
B) Immune tolerance
C) Cell-mediated immunity
D) Antigenic Immunity

103) Which among the following is NOT included In the medical parasitology?
A) Parasitic protozoa
B) Parasitic helminths
C) Arthropods that act as a vector
D) Parasitic Mollusca

104) Green glands are excretory in function which is found in
A) Spiders
B) Limulus
C) Scorpions
D) Prawns

105) Identify the branch of science that explores the chemical processes with
related to living organisms.
A) Biochemistry
B) Biotechnology
C) Bioavailability
D) Biophysics

106) A lipid is composed of one molecule of glycerol combined with
A) Three molecules of fatty acid
B) Six molecules of water
C) Ten molecules of water
D) Ten molecules of fatty acid
Hint: because of three hydroxyl groups of glycerol

107) Which among the following is the smallest of all tapeworms found In hu
also known as the dwarf tapeworm?
A) Taenia saginata
B) Taenia solium
C) Hymenolepis nana
D) Diphyllobothrium latum
Hint:Latin: Nanos – dwarf Also known as Rodentolepis nana or Taenia nana. It  is one of the most common cestodes (a type of intestinal worm or helminth) infecting humans, especially children Wikipedia:

108) Which among the following fields of biochemistry Is devoted only to the
of diet, health, and metabolism?
A) Applied Biochemistry
B) Nutritional Biochemistry
C) Analytical Biochemistry
D) Lipid Biochemistry

Section-10 (Mathematics)

109) If the length of the diagonals of a rhombus are 24 cms and 32 cms respectively
then the area of the rhombus is
A) 192 Sq. cms
B) 284 Sq. cms
C) 400 Sq. cms
D) 484 Sq. cms

110) In the figure given above, side BC is parallel to the line joining the point
E.IF DE= 3 cms, BC= 6 cms and AD= 4cms, then the length of DB is
A) 8 cm
B) 6 cm
C) 4 cm
D) 3 cm

111) How many four digit even numbers are possible by using the digits 0,1,2
only once
A) 120
B) 60
C) 42
D) 24

112) A team of 4 members is to be selected.There are 4 men and 2 women av
for selection. In how many ways the team can be selected?
A) 12
B) 13
C) 14
D) 15

113) A bag contains 4 red and 5 blue balls. Two balls are drawn at random. W
the probability that both the balls are drawn are blue? (Ball First removed is n
A) 25/81
B) 5/18
C) 1/4
D) 5/36

114) IF a = b = c and C =ab, then the value of a [(y+x)/xy]z
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

115) IF Log 2 = 0.3010, then the number of digits in 5?
A) 68
B) 69
C) 70
D) 71

116) What is the value of
( tan 10 × tan 11 × tan 12 × _ _ _ _ _ _ _ × tan 79 × tan 80 )
A) 0
B) 1
C) -1
D) 3

117) A number when divided by 8 gives 3 as the remainder. What is the remainder, w
same number is divided by 4?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

118) IF (x+(1/x))=6, then the value of (x (1/x) ) is
A) 32
B) 33
C) 34
D) 35

119) In a town, each and every person read only three of the newspapers Hindu,
Time of India and Indian Express. Distribution of people reading them is given
form of Venn Diagram given below
How many people read almost 2 newspapers?
A) 129
B) 251
C) 380
D) 398

120) How many natural numbers are there between 123 and 999, that can be
divisible by 7?
A) 123
B) 124
C) 125
D) 126

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